What Does Google Think about Your Website?

Ranking well is a science and an art and there are many reasons you may be falling short in achieving those highly coveted rankings. Make no mistake about it: it matters what Google thinks.

Columnist Eric Enge explains how Google makes the ultimate determination when it comes to relevance. “Just because you create webpages targeting a certain keyword phrase or in a specific topic area does not mean you will rank for those terms.

Enge says using relatable scenarios which illustrate rankings and the meaning behind them demystifies the topic. How to take action and a perspective on realistic costs reveals what google thinks about your website!

Reach out to Harmonia Media for a website review and free consultation about how we can help drive leads with a sound digital marketing strategy.


What Does It Cost to Buy an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy?

According to data analysis by eMarketer, digital marketing will account for nearly 45 per cent of media ad spend by 2020. As a B2B company, do you know what your digital marketing budget should be to compete in the digital world?
Strategically, shifting marketing budgets from traditional channels toward digital initiatives is critical in this ever-competitive marketplace. You need to be where your customers are looking (and where your competition is likely active, too.)
Search advertising, mobile and social marketing top the list for growth initiatives year over year. In 2017, a CMO Survey predicted that marketing dollars spent on mobile alone will increase by 118 per cent in three years. One year later, these numbers seem conservative. What are you spending now and where are you spending your money?  Is it working?
Asking the right questions will ensure you are investing the right dollars for maximum impact.  What is your ROI on digital marketing dollars spent and how can you receive the maximum benefit? If you aren’t spending enough on the channels best suited to your product and brand, you aren’t in the game.

What are you waiting for? Contact Harmonia Media for a free consultation about your digital marketing strategy. We will tailor a plan and budget just for you.

The Road to Success is Paved with Loyal, Repeat Customers

“Every customer becomes a valuable asset to your business, either in the form of referrals and repeat purchases,” according to a recent article on customer retention by Ben Allen for The Marketing Insider Group.
So how do you retain these assets? By keeping them interested and engaged.
In order to do so effectively, you need to ask some important questions:
  • How can you stay relevant?
  • Have you made a personal connection?
  • Does your product or service serve a real need in the marketplace?
  • Was the buying experience memorable?
  • Do you have brand loyalty?
Answering these questions will help create compelling content, incentives for sustained engagement and memorable experiences for the consumer. And these aren’t just any consumers; they are loyal customers for your business.
Don’t fret. Talk with Harmonia Media about your goals and learn more about how we can help your brand get out in front of the people who will be loyal customers for the long run.

Four Reasons to Get Started with (or Bump Up) Your Social Media Presence Today!

By Bari Faye Siegel

When you think about social media, do you think about checking in on Facebook, tweeting here and there and maybe checking LinkedIn to see who may have checked out your profile lately? You’re not alone. As much as social media is critically important to growing our businesses, most people still think of it as a personal time-waster.

However, we’re here to tell you that any successful strategic marketing plan must include regular interaction on a variety of social media platforms. In fact, if you aren’t posting, linking and tweeting on a regular schedule, you are allowing money to slip through the huge cracks in your incomplete marketing strategy.

In the third quarter of 2017, there were over 2.07 billion active Facebook users. That’s a lot of eyeballs of people who could be seeing your ads and posts and clicking there way over to your site.

Now, if your concern is simply one of usability — you don’t have the time to post, the inclination to get involved in it or knowledge of how to manage a marketing campaign on social media, we’ve got you covered. Harmonia Media can handle everything from setting you up on various social media platforms to posting regularly and more. It’s what we do. We want you to focus on your core business; we’ll focus on your social media. Learn more…  Be sure to ask us about our Savvy SEO & Social Media Package, as well.

Four Reasons to Get Started with (or Bump Up) Your Social Media Presence Today!

Engagement: This is what social media is all about. You want to create a buzz and encourage and engage customer prospects to join the conversation. It’s crowded out there so remember that your content needs to be more compelling than all of the other things that are vying for equal attention. Add your voice to important industry news and trends! Attempt to connect with customers by talking about what they are talking about.

Create Brand Awareness: There is a whole world out there of people who do not know your company exists. Sorry to have to break that news. However, the great thing about social media is that it’s a worldwide invitation to anyone and everyone who is out there and interested in what you are selling or talking about. Using social media platforms to discuss fun, educational, provocative and useful information will entice people to want to get to know you.

Customer Support: It’s no secret that customer service is the most important thing you can offer your customers. Social media is a great place to talk about how important customers are to your company. If there are posts praising your company, make a point of commenting and telling people you appreciate the applause. And, if you receive a bad review, use social media to smooth it out. Show people that, while mistakes happen, your company makes solving customer problem Priority No. 1.

Sell! OK, this is a bit of a slippery slope. We all know that, at the end of the day, you have to keep the lights on by selling your products and services. So, using social media to pitch what you’ve got makes sense. You can use posts and ads to direct prospects back to your website with special offers. If they are interested, they will come. However, if you use social media to attract eyes and don’t follow through you’ll be causing two major problems. 1. You’ll chase off customers. 2. You’ll burn dollars on wasted clicks. Be thoughtful.

Harmonia Media is a boutique digital marketing company that puts clients first, always. We customize everything we do base on your particular needs. Give us a call and let’s talk. We can handle everything from a new website to extraordinary SEO to the most compelling content and, yes, social media! Looking forward to connecting with you soon.

Where Are Your Customers Hanging Out Online?

Pew Research Center’s recent report found that  74 per cent of Facebook users visit the site daily and 51 per cent go on several times a day. Moreover, while approximately two-thirds of U.S. adults (68 per cent) now report that they are Facebook users, 73 per cent use YouTube.

Every age group has their go-to social media channels with most using multiple channels.

Usage varies from casually to frequently to obsessively and incessantly, depending on the age group. Given usage statistics, it is interesting that 59 per cent of all the social media users which Pew Research Center surveyed stated they thought it would not be hard to give up.

Business Insider recently reported, “Globally, more than 2.8 billion people — or 37per cent of the world’s population — use social media, but the way those users interact with each other, and the platforms they adopt, vary widely.”

While this article looks at site usage by age, there are myriad studies that look at social media by gender, profession, education and income to name a few. The data is relevant when determining where and how to best position yourself — personally and professionally.

Chat us up!  Harmonia Media will assess your best social options and connect you with your prospects fast.


Yes, You DO Need a Blog on Your Business Website

At Harmonia Media, clients ask us all the time about whether or not they need a blog on their company website. We believe, and there is plenty of documentation out there to prove we are right, that the answer is absolute “yes!” You do need a blog on your business website; here’s why.

Google loves content and, if you want your website to be found by prospective customers, you need to love Google back. The best thing to improve your Google standing is to consistently add fresh, interesting content to your website. Every time you post new content, Google takes note and makes a determination about its quality. If the content you add is valuable for people searching the topic, your website has a better chance of showing up well in a Google search.

Now, that description makes it sound much easier than it actually is, truth be told. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes after a blog is posted to improve search results. However, good content matched with top-notch search engine optimization (literally optimizing your content so the search engines, like Google, can find you) goes a long way to driving traffic to your website.

Additionally, a blog is a great resource for social media interaction. Since your prospects may find you first on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc., you can engage with them and direct them back to your witty and useful content on your blog. Once they are on your website, you have a great chance of convincing them to make contact.

Tips for Driving Traffic Through Your Blog

  • Make sure you link to other pages on your websiteto keep the reader “in the conversation.” As an example, at Harmonia Media, we believe in providing a concierge service we like to call the “Harmonia Difference.” Check it out.
  • Only publish fresh and interesting content your readers care about. First off, you won’t get any Google juice if you publish nonsense. And, if you copy someone else’s words, it will actually hurt your website instead of help.
  • UseCalls to Action that entice the visitor to do what you want them to do. If you want them to download something, add buttons that say “download now.” If you want them to make contact with you, add suggestions like “contact us” or “let’s talk” that lead to a contact page.

With that in mind, Harmonia Media is your ticket to traffic-driving digital media strategy. Whether it’s a blog, social media management, SEO or a whole new website, let’s talk. Contact us today for a free consultation.


Going Social? Do It Right or Don’t Bother!

The holidays are behind you and you are looking ahead to 2018 wondering what you can do to tweak your business strategy. If you could land a couple of new leads each week you can surely turn them into customers, right?

The answer is, most assuredly, that you are correct. Little tweaks can amount to big successes. It’s just important to select the correct endeavours and appropriate the right amount of time and energy and money to them to ensure maximum benefits.

For example, some people are hyper-focused on cleaning their own homes. There are many reasons to be vigilant about your personal space. However, others find they can source a trusted cleaning service to will focus on their home while they focus on their paycheck.

If the idea of hiring the right person for the job sounds good to you, read on.

In this article, we are talking about social media. Everyone knows they need to get social. And, if you dabbled in posting on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter in 2017, you need to take it up several notches — because your competition is already there.

The problem is that many people don’t have the foggiest clue of what it means to be active on social media platforms. In order to really attract business from social media posts, you need to be strategic. It’s more than finding the youngest person on your team who understands how to post on Snapchat.

Is that how you make other business decisions? Would you send your intern to a key networking conference? Hardly.

Social media has become a science. What to post and when are critical questions that keep professionals up at night. It takes a significant understanding of business goals and objectives to be successful at any social media campaign. Many people say they are experts at posting and tweeting, etc.

You owe it to yourself to embrace a proven social media marketing strategy carried out by people who have been there, done that — and continue to perfect their craft.

Let’s talk. Harmonia Media is launching its Savvy Social & SEO Starter Package – a set-it and forget-it (because we will manage everything!) We will take a look at your website’s backend and make adjustments to make sure you are getting the most from organic SEO. Then, we will assume responsibility (or create a new platform) for one of your social media accounts! You’ll get five posts a week on your choice of platform.

Contact us now and we’ll explain how we can make 2018 your most social — and profitable year — yet!

Social Posting Made Simple in 4 Steps

Unless you are a writer, you can probably think of 1,000 things you would rather be doing than managing your company’s social media platforms. For one thing, corporate social media is not the same as handling your personal Facebook, Twitter or Insta accounts. Selfies are a “no.” Random thoughts about where you’ve been or where you’re headed are also big “no’s.”

Writing social media posts that will intrigue potential customers and get them to click back to your website requires some finesse, thoughtful consideration and, yes, some attitude.

Many companies choose to outsource these necessary tasks to writers who not only LOVE to manage to Copywrite but are also in tune with what people need and want to read about topics near and dear to your company’s mission. At Harmonia Media, we know just what to say. Contact us and we’ll tell you how we can make this challenging, but necessary, task off your hands.

Trying to make a go of it in-house? Take a moment to consider these tips that will help your social posts sing and, hopefully, connect better with your readers.

  • Know your audience. Sounds easy because who could know your audience better than you, right? However, many companies don’t consider what their customers need to know– they focus on what the company wants to say. Find a particular topic within your larger topic that people are talking about and write about that. For example, if you are a restaurant, don’t discuss “dining out.” Focus on the amazing Buffalo wings people stand in line to try.
  • I.S.S. In other words, simplify your message. Don’t use jargon that people can’t understand. As an example, do you know what K.I.S.S. means? If you didn’t, you would be quite annoyed if I made you work harder and look it up. Therefore, as we like to say, Keep It Simple St*pid!
  • Call to Action is Key. What do you want people to do after they read your post? Do you want likes or shares or clicks? Be specific with your goal so you can write a CTA that gets people moving in the direction you want them to go. If you are trying to get people to call you, including the phone number and incentivize them to pick up the phone!
  • Use Images. Think about it… if you are like absolutely everyone else who thumbs through social media feeds, your eyes move to the ones with clever photos, infographics, videos and more. Your writing (especially the headline!) needs to grab attention but don’t forget your first shot on goal is definitely an image that compels the reader to tune into your message.

It should go without saying (but here goes!) that your posts should be relevant and informative and interesting. Would you read your feed? Your customers are real people who are busy with their own lives and come to social media to interact about topics they care about. Say something worth reading and your audience will come.

Ready to get started? Great! If you need some help, Harmonia Media is just a call or click away.


Online vs. Offline: Finding the Marketing Strategy that’s Right for Your Company

When it comes to marketing your company, there is certainly more than one pathway to success. However, whichever strategy you use, many of the basic ingredients remain the same. In fact, it’s always a giant melting pot of ideas, initiatives, failures & tweaks, hard work and patience.That being said, as eloquently stated in a recent SmallBizDaily.com article, Offline VS. Online Marketing: What You Need to Know Before Starting a Business, finding the right mix of all the myriad marketing ingredients available in today’s marketplace is the key to the perfect — and successful — recipe.

“Get started by making a plan and assessing the value to your business of the various online and offline tactics,” according to the SmallBizDaily.com article.

Offline Marketing: This is what’s known as more traditional marketing. It includes print articles and advertising, brochures, TV and radio, and even — dare we say it?! – in-person networking!

Non-digital forms of marketing still work, but in a marketplace that is spinning thanks to technology faster and faster every day, focusing on digital — IOHO (in our humble opinion) — is the best bang for your buck.

Online Marketing: If you have an eCommerce business, it stands to reason that online, or digital marketing, is a great option for you. You are already trying to drive Internet buyers to your website so you might as well use the strategies known to be effective. These include SEO, paid to advertise, linking strategies and email marketing.

Another huge digital marketing strategy focuses on social media. Anyone who is anyone is anyone is on one social media platform or another. You want to be where your prospects are hanging out. Believe us, you’ll find them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc.

Point of note, even if your business isn’t solely online, you have to understand that your customers are looking for you there. That being said, strategic digital marketing can drive customers to your brick and mortar establishment as well as your online headquarters.

Need help with your online marketing? Contact us today for a free consultation.

Don’t wait another moment to connect with your customers online!

The truth is, successful marketing involves a little bit of everything. Anything that builds brand awareness and attracts the attention of your customers is worth the effort. The real question is: is it all worth the money?

Offline marketing tends to be more expensive and success is more difficult to track. Digital marketing comes with the promise of analytics. You will always know how your marketing dollars are working for you and if, and when, you need to change it up.

Need help figuring all this marketing stuff out? No problem, at Harmonia Media this is what we do all day. We encourage our customers to focus on their core business initiatives and leave marketing strategy up to us.

Contact us for a free consultation about your online marketing needs today.

Why Isn’t My Website Working? Here are 3 Reasons & Fixes!

To be clear, let’s define “working.” The object of your website is to be your online home. There are a variety of ways prospective customers can make their way to your website. However, once they get there, the object is to keep them there long enough to become intrigued, interested and ready to take action. The “action” you want, of course, is a purchase.

OK, back to the initial question. Why isn’t your website working for you? If customers are making their way to your homepage, or any other page on the site, then your SEO is working. Whether it’s paid SEO such as Facebook advertising or organic SEO such as onsite optimization techniques, the customers are lining up.

But, then, they aren’t buying. They may not even be hanging out long enough to browse. Here are 3 reasons why your website isn’t delivering the success it could.

1. Wrong Focus. Your customers are searching for solutions to their perceived problems. For some, a problem could be serious such as needing to find an oncologist. Others may be simply searching for a gift for a loved one. Many are searching for whatever it is you sell.

However, some companies make the mistake of focusing their websites on solutions without much care for the customer’s challenge. People like to talk and read about themselves. If your website doesn’t feel welcoming, people won’t stay — and they most certainly will not buy. Instead, they’ll “bounce.”

The FIX: The solution for wrong focus is a content refresh. Consider repurposing your content so that it “speaks” to your prospect. Enough about you, more about them. When they feel like they are in the right place, they’ll stay long enough to learn more about your solutions.

2. Brand Confusion. Does the site imagery match your brand? All websites should convey a sense of pride in the brand. If your website is giving off a contrary image, you’re dead in the water.

For example, a restaurant website that features photos of a poorly lit dining room, badly plated food or worse is sending a clear message: you don’t want to eat here.

Alternatively, beautiful photos and decadent food descriptions convey a message of elegance. If your customers enjoy your website, imagine how much they will enjoy the restaurant experience?

The FIX: View your website through fresh eyes. Invest in better graphics. Make sure your site is both inviting and representative of the message you want customers to receive. If your brand is elegant, use images and colours that represent your high-class company. If your business is fun and funky, your web design should be, as well.

3. Lack of Call to Action. This is a biggie. Even if your web copy is top-notch, your SEO is on point and your photos are exciting and engaging, failure to provide appropriate calls to action leave customers high and dry.

The FIX: The problem is big, but the fix is simple. Add “learn more,” “read more” and even “contact us now” buttons throughout the site. Weave these calls to action into the content, as well. Don’t overdo it, but make sure there are multiple shots on goal so your customers can do what you want them to do: buy.

Have you ever thought to yourself, “Hey, I need to focus on my work, not my website?” You’re in luck. At Harmonia Media, “our work” is your website!

Contact us today for a free consultation about taking your digital marketing strategy to the next level.

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