Four Reasons to Get Started with (or Bump Up) Your Social Media Presence Today!

Four Reasons to Get Started with (or Bump Up) Your Social Media Presence Today!

February 12, 2018

By Bari Faye Siegel

When you think about social media, do you think about checking in on Facebook, tweeting here and there and maybe checking LinkedIn to see who may have checked out your profile lately? You’re not alone. As much as social media is critically important to growing our businesses, most people still think of it as a personal time-waster.

However, we’re here to tell you that any successful strategic marketing plan must include regular interaction on a variety of social media platforms. In fact, if you aren’t posting, linking and tweeting on a regular schedule, you are allowing money to slip through the huge cracks in your incomplete marketing strategy.

In the third quarter of 2017, there were over 2.07 billion active Facebook users. That’s a lot of eyeballs of people who could be seeing your ads and posts and clicking there way over to your site.

Now, if your concern is simply one of usability — you don’t have the time to post, the inclination to get involved in it or knowledge of how to manage a marketing campaign on social media, we’ve got you covered. Harmonia Media can handle everything from setting you up on various social media platforms to posting regularly and more. It’s what we do. We want you to focus on your core business; we’ll focus on your social media. Learn more…  Be sure to ask us about our Savvy SEO & Social Media Package, as well.

Four Reasons to Get Started with (or Bump Up) Your Social Media Presence Today!

Engagement: This is what social media is all about. You want to create a buzz and encourage and engage customer prospects to join the conversation. It’s crowded out there so remember that your content needs to be more compelling than all of the other things that are vying for equal attention. Add your voice to important industry news and trends! Attempt to connect with customers by talking about what they are talking about.

Create Brand Awareness: There is a whole world out there of people who do not know your company exists. Sorry to have to break that news. However, the great thing about social media is that it’s a worldwide invitation to anyone and everyone who is out there and interested in what you are selling or talking about. Using social media platforms to discuss fun, educational, provocative and useful information will entice people to want to get to know you.

Customer Support: It’s no secret that customer service is the most important thing you can offer your customers. Social media is a great place to talk about how important customers are to your company. If there are posts praising your company, make a point of commenting and telling people you appreciate the applause. And, if you receive a bad review, use social media to smooth it out. Show people that, while mistakes happen, your company makes solving customer problem Priority No. 1.

Sell! OK, this is a bit of a slippery slope. We all know that, at the end of the day, you have to keep the lights on by selling your products and services. So, using social media to pitch what you’ve got makes sense. You can use posts and ads to direct prospects back to your website with special offers. If they are interested, they will come. However, if you use social media to attract eyes and don’t follow through you’ll be causing two major problems. 1. You’ll chase off customers. 2. You’ll burn dollars on wasted clicks. Be thoughtful.

Harmonia Media is a boutique digital marketing company that puts clients first, always. We customize everything we do base on your particular needs. Give us a call and let’s talk. We can handle everything from a new website to extraordinary SEO to the most compelling content and, yes, social media! Looking forward to connecting with you soon.

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