Word of Mouth is Where It’s At

Word of Mouth is Where It’s At

February 7, 2019

Remember the days when you weren‘t “connected” 24/7? Most people don’t. And with the hyper high-tech connectivity comes a resurgence of old school word of mouth marketing.

However, there’s one big difference these days. The old “tell two friends and they’ll tell two friends and so on and so on” mentality is now exponentially farther-reaching. One social media post can be read,  watched and heard around the world by countless friends and family in an instant.

What’s more, with the unlimited amount of competitors in a space, people aren’t buying anything without referrals to help them determine where and when to click to buy. In fact, if they had to choose one factor they rely on when making purchase decisions, half of Americans say they would get referrals before taking the plunge. This underscores the importance of word of mouth.

Further, it’s clearly important that when people talk about your company, customer support and products/services, they are should be singing your praises. Complaints travel just as fast, if not faster, than the good stuff!

It is also important to know that “second-person” referrals are just as vital as the first word of mouth mentions. In fact, a second-hand mention shows word of your company is, indeed, travelling. It means one person told another and they are now referring you, based on their friend’s word.

If people share those good words online, it becomes digital marketing gold!

If your reputation could use a bit of shine, talk to us about getting the word out by putting your best foot forward. We also can help with managing your online reputation.

Contact Harmonia Media for a free phone confirmation today.

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