New Year, New Website Content!

New Year, New Website Content!

January 3, 2019

If you are a business owner, you likely have one of three thoughts about your company’s website.

  • You LOVE it! You just spent a ton of dough to update it and it looks freakin’ awesome.
  • You HATE it! Maybe you never liked it or maybe it is old and worn out. It’s not working to drive new customers.
  • You don’t really care one way or another because you only have a website because someone told you that you need one. It doesn’t do anything anyway so why bother to care.

I have news for you. Regardless of how you feel about your website, if you aren’t paying attention to it — and I mean constant attention — it will never make you money. (Don’t have time to pay attention to your website? Skip to the end of this blog post NOW!)

It’s absolutely true that you need a properly optimized website that drives traffic to your brand. And, once they arrive on your digital doorstep, customers must be compelled to take action (calls to action.) The whole site needs to work properly and look appealing because if it doesn’t, you’ll quickly chase away any prospect who finds you in the first place. (You’ve got plenty of competition only a click or two away!)

So, that brings me to fresh content. Adding new content often to your site — new pages and an active blog — does several great things for your business.

  1. Google loves fresh content.

Every time you add new content or update what’s already there, Google takes notice. The search engine bots (or web crawlers) will stop by to check you out (on the back end, of course!) When you get attention from search engines, you have the chance to achieve higher rankings in organic search. This means that people can find you more quickly when they search for something you sell.

  1. Become (and remain!) an Authority Site

Google designates Authority Sites based on the quality of content offered and how often new content is added. If you are adding high-quality content that offers valuable information for people, your site has the potential to gain greater authority online. It stands to reason that the better the content is, posted often, the chances of becoming an authority site increase substantially.

  1. Engage Your Audience

This is the most simple of concepts to understand when it comes to why you need to keep your site fresh and exciting with new content (content, by the way, includes words, images, video, etc.)

Think about the last time you did a web search for a piece of information you needed or a product/service you were interested in purchasing. When you find a site that is out of date, do you stay and search for information or do you immediately think, “what else is out there?”

Admit it. You bounce — and quickly.

If the last blog post on a website is from months (or dare I say years ago), it’s a sure sign that the company is ignoring its customers online. They might as well hang up a “Closed for Business” sign and go home.

This is the year your company is going to SHINE! We want to help you do that by making sure that your website is everything you need to attract customers and compel them to make contact.

At Harmonia Media, we do things a bit differently than our competition. We are honest and straightforward. We have no interest in selling you something you don’t need. And, like you, we pride ourselves on customer service.

Talk to Harmonia about your digital marketing strategy and you’ll never have to worry about your website again. We are offering free initial phone consultations for new prospects. Contact us now to schedule your free consultation.

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