Looking for a New Digital Marketing Agency? Begin at the Beginning

Looking for a New Digital Marketing Agency? Begin at the Beginning

July 11, 2018

Everyone in business today knows that marketing — without a strong digital component — is, well, a sure way not to succeed in business.

Your customers are online and your competition is online; you must be online. But “online” isn’t actually enough; you must do more than put your best foot forward to claim your share of the online customer audience. Further, you want to create and grow a community you can rely on to buy and brag about your company.

Digital marketing is far more than a handful of clicks and words. It’s a science where the equation is never concrete. Varying topics and desired reach are always changing; what’s hot today may not be hot tomorrow.

The one thing you can be sure of when it comes to digital marketing is that you need to partner with a team that won’t overpromise and underdeliver. Find a company that seeks to understand your mission and goals and is realistic about reaching them.

So, the truth is, If you are still reading this article, you may be looking for a new digital marketing agency. It’s likely because your current one isn’t doing their job well. Perhaps they sold you a strategy that sounded great but they haven’t delivered.

Worse, the efforts they did put in came back to bite you! They charge you a boatload of money for a world of promises Not only are you not getting web traffic and sales leads but their mistakes are costing you big time. We hear all too often about companies in hot water with Google because of duplicate content, bad link strategy and poor SEO work.

The very best way to select a digital marketing agency is to begin the way every good business relationship starts: talk. Be realistic and ask questions. LISTEN not only to the answers but try to get a handle on the type of people who will be managing your account. Don’t focus on what you want to hear (and don’t seed the conversation with your own answers.) Find out what the company think and what they believe they can do to grow your business.

Additionally, pay attention to “voice.”

  • If your company takes a very corporate approach to a message, you need a marketing agency that can talk that talk. The key is that you want them to be an appropriate liaison to your customers. If you are looking for straight, no-nonsense messaging, it’s important to make sure your chosen agency can represent you the way you want to be seen in the marketplace.
  • On the other hand, if you are looking for a softer, friendlier approach, it doesn’t make sense to necessarily hire the aforementioned firm. Find some marketing partners who can carry your message across to your prospects. A more conversational style might be more appropriate for your brand.

Harmonia Media is different from the competition. We pride ourselves on learning about you and your company. We figure out what you need and focus on what we know will drive traffic. Other companies may sell secret sauces and shiny bells and whistles.

At the end of the day, do you need a song with bells?

At Harmonia Media, we offer no sauce. We offer substance and service. Great service. You’ll get a true partnership based on strategies focused on your company’s goals. And, as your company grows, we will evolve your online campaign.

Contact Harmonia Media today and let’s talk.

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