It’s Not About New Math…It’s About More Customers

It’s Not About New Math…It’s About More Customers

August 8, 2018

I don’t do the math. At all. In fact, I was just telling someone last night that I never got past algebra in high school and coasted through college by taking meteorology and geology to satisfy the math/science requirement.

For the record though, I took Honors English, French 5 and Spanish 3 in my senior year of high school and went on to minor in English and French in college — so there.


I bring this up because I’ve been reading a lot about metrics lately. And that word reminds me of a whole different kind of crazy math that I never understood, as well. Remember metrics? It was the “new math” and we all had to figure out how to convert miles to kilos or litres to quarts.

What’s the difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit? (psttt… here you go…

Oy, I don’t know. My head is spinning thinking about it.

Today, metrics is a concept worth paying attention to because unlike “new math,” website analytics and metrics are going to only become more important as digital marketing evolves.

Yeah, tracking metrics is difficult to understand. There are plenty of ways to analyze the numbers and report metrics — the most valuable, of course, being ROI (return on investment.)

I’m not a metrics expert (though I have plenty on my Harmonia team) but I do know that if you are tracking the right things, tweaking as you go, you will drive more traffic which will result in more leads and sales.

Seems far more worthwhile than knowing how many centimetres are in a meter.

We were forced as kids to believe we were going to need metrics to survive. Turns out, that’s not true.

But believe me when I say that you can’t do business on the Internet (which means you can’t do business) if you don’t keep your eye on the numbers.

My advice? Don’t give up on metrics just because may feel overwhelmed or confused. Just as you hope people will come to your business looking for your expertise, Harmonia Media is here for you when it comes to digital marketing. We would love the chance to review your website metrics and your analytics. We’ll provide honest feedback and work with you to boost your ROI.

Look at it this way: you don’t have to know how to go about analyzing your website. You need to partner with a company that isn’t going to take your money and run for the hills. You need to choose a digital marketing agency that will explain as it goes (if you want to know!) and doesn’t believe in the set-it-and-forget-it approach to metrics.

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I like to think about website metrics the way I think about the dentist. I don’t really want to go and probably won’t love the process while it’s happening. But when it’s over I’m going to be really happy to get the “all clear – no cavities” sign from the doctor.

Give us a call at (855) 535-4848 and let’s talk. Harmonia Media is different. We would love the chance to show you why.

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