Having Trouble Feeling Gratitude? Practice Makes Perfect

Having Trouble Feeling Gratitude? Practice Makes Perfect

November 20, 2018

If being told you have to feel thankful on Thanksgiving feels a bit like when you were told as a child “to go hug Aunt Mary,” it’s completely understandable. Some people are going through struggles that cloud their view of what’s hopeful and what is worth their gratitude.

However, the first step is to try to think more positively every day. Thanksgiving, much like New Year’s Day, is a great first day of the rest of your life for this. Wake up on Thanksgiving with a smile. Think about all that’s worth being thankful for…even if it’s simply that you woke up! One of the easiest ways to feel gratitude is to think of someone you care about the most, you felt that right? It’s as easy as that.

Matt O’Grady, the founder of Harmonia Media, is also a fantastic coach who guides his clients by teaching them how to live in the present moment, release stress and feel thankful. It’s all about baby steps that lead to feeling great, happier and more successful.

You can learn more about finding gratitude through meditation, click to listen to Matt’s podcast: Deep Dive Meditation.

“Unfortunately, positive thinking can be extremely difficult to implement without a bit of help. By working the following tips into your everyday lives to open your mind to the whole world, you’ll be able to appreciate what already exists in your own life,” he said, noting “clearing the clutter, both physically and emotionally” is a great place to start.

In fact, he wrote a whole book on the subject, Living Gratitude: A Simple Path to Happiness, you can see more about it by clicking here.

From our family at Harmonia Media to yours, we thank all of our clients and we wish you a wonderful holiday and many things to be thankful for with family and friends each and every day.

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